Explore Our Primary Features
We provide tools for planning your purchases, tracking your expenses, and ensuring every dollar of your hard-earned money is well spent.
Discover the innovative resources we offer to enhance and streamline your shopping experience.
Build and Share
Your Shopping Lists
Create and share shopping lists with friends and family to plan your purchases before heading to the store.
Collaboration with others limits miscommunication when shopping, saving time and money by preventing those impulse purchases!
Track Your
Expenses Effortlessly
Securely connect your bank account and scan paper receipts to
track your spending in real-time.
Stay within budget by having a
clear view of your expenses!
Create Reminders for Errands
Set reminders for shopping, appointments, deadlines, and more.
Share these reminders with others so you can focus on the important tasks!
Our Pricing Options
Sign up now and experience all of Shopden’s premium features at no cost for 30 days!
Free ($0 per month)
Create and Share Lists: Unlimited
Add Friends: Unlimited
Scan Receipts: Limited
Connect Bank Information: No
Customer Support: Standard Support
Premium ($3.99 per month)
Create and Share Lists: Unlimited
Add Friends: Unlimited
Scan Receipts: Unlimited
Connect Bank Information: Yes
Customer Support: Priority
Contact Us
Technical Questions: shopdenteam@gmail.com
General Questions: admin@shopden.app
Shopden is a shopping list and budgeting mobile application designed to organize shopping trips, prevent overspending, and ensure users stay within budget.
Shopden is operated by Facilitis, LLC
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